Our Background


Who We Are

Malawi Council for the Handicapped (MACOHA) was established by an Act of Pariament, the Handicapped Persons Act 1971 Cap: 33:02 as a statutory corporation. Its goal is to facilitate the empowerment of persons with disabilities to enable them to actively participate and be included in the social economic development activities of their communuties and the country.

Our mission is to implement government policies by providing rehabilitation programs and services and promoting public interest towards the empowerment of people with disabilities in order to achieve an inclusive society

  • Our Vision

    MACOHA's vision is to empower all persons with disabilities in society

  • Our Motto

    Our motto is disability is not Inability

  • Operating Principles

    There is ability in disability and all persons with disabilities can be reached.

Our Objectives

MACOHA's Objectives

MACOHA has the following main objectives to guide its programmes and services.

  • To empower persons with disabilities through access to essential services such as education, health and livelihood.
  • Provide appropriate and required vocational skills training to persons with disabilities both at MACOHA's training institutions and within the community through the Community Based Rehabilitation programme (CBR).
  • Promote attitude change towards persons with disabilities through public awareness.
  • Register and regulate the work of service providers in the disability sector
  • Maintain a register of persons with disabilities and their organisations.
  • Provide placement services for persons with disabilities into open employment or Council's own production units.
  • Provide or facilitate medical rehabilitation services to persons with disabilities whose disabilities require medical intervention to improve mobility or functional capacities.
  • Encourage and facilitate the formation of business groups or individual self-employment undertakings.